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Valerie Lores



have always had a love/hate relationship with running, with many starts and stops.That's because I always doubted my ability and had a negative attitude toward it. I didn't truly start running (and enjoying it) until I was 45, and even though I had many races under my belt, a marathon seemed completely out of reach, and the doubts came back.


Natalie was able to help me work through whatever mental blocks I had.


She is one of the most passionate and knowledgeable coaches I know. When I finally decided to run the NYC Marathon in 2015, at age 47, she was absolutely instrumental in getting me through, from the start of her training plan to the finish line! She created a plan for me that was challenging where I needed it, and modified it accordingly if I missed any runs. Training with her one-on-one was extremely beneficial because I truly felt her joy when we spoke, and it motivated me. The most important thing she said was to stop looking at my watch and just run by feel, and to have positive mantras to affirm myself through my training journey. 

when I ran my 2nd Marathon (NYC 2017), I was able to shave off 25 mins from my previous time, thanks to more coaching and motivation from Natalie.


I have the highest praise for Natalie and I am grateful for the opportunity to have been coached by her. I learned a great deal about myself as a runner and what I am capable of since working with her.



Paul Jon Gitlin MD

Diplomate of the American Board of Psychiatry and Neurology, Marathoner



Natalie Dorset has been my personal coach for two years. I met her during one of many races and events at our Delaware beaches. Natalie was a novice coach at the time but I liked her and was impressed by her knowledge of the sport of running.  I was unaware at the time that she was the top masters woman distance runner for the nation of Trinidad and Tobago(Abbott World Marathon Majors Ranking Series XII).


I am a 60+ athlete and so needed someone who is flexible and understands the limits and potential that is often overlooked in the senior master runner; a group where the science of exercise physiology is limited but is by my observation a fast growing group. The first thing we older runners need is support as often we are looked at like, huh, you're running at your age?


While Natalie looks and acts young she is not a youngster and has overcome her own adversities and challenges. Thus she can give what may be the most important aspect of coaching, empathic support. To put it more directly Natalie has become my friend, my ally and she has given me purpose and solid support every step of the way through good and bad. Under her tutelage I have completed three marathons in the past year and countless other races and events.


Natalie is expert on the data driven aspect of running but she has impressed me with her knowledge of the cognitive aspect of the sport and she has developed this knowledge to make herself a motivational force and ultimately this is why you need a coach. Natalie has developed the physiological tools to help you on your way to a PB but she also has the psychological know how to propel you to what you may not even know now what it is you want to do and be.


To sum it up, I'm glad I found Natalie or that she found me and while I cannot guarantee your results, I can guarantee that you will benefit and enjoy the ride!



Media Mentions


My feature on the NordicTrack Blog and instagram about how to stay motivated at home!!

My feature on Expert Training Advice for Beginner Runners Over 40 on Woman's Running

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