Here to Help you Have Fun Running
Hi, my name is Natalie Dorset
As an NYC Running Coach, I began training athletes in 2015. I began distance running in 2012 and ran my first marathon in 2015. In 2017 I ran my first Boston Marathon Qualifying time.
I started out as a "sexy pace" runner, and became a personal running coach to train for a first marathon. I've since guided many athletes from couch to 5k, to first marathons and been a general distance running coach, since not everyone likes to race. I was encouraged to get certified by many people that saw me having fun at races being a running coach for beginners,and wanted a running coach online with my love of the process.
I got my RRCA Level 1 certification in 2014, and followed that up with my RunSmart Vdot certification in 2015.
In 2019, I finally got my RRCA Level 2 certification in Dec,after completing courses for Injury Prevention, Running Form, Coaching for Youth, Galloway Method, Trail Running and Strength Training among many others.
I became a Lydiard Method Levels 1 and 2 Certified Coach in 2020.
In 2019 I was invited to participate in The Abbott World Marathon Majors Inaugural Wanda Age Group Championships.
The Wanda Age Group Championships were going to be held at The Virgin Money London Marathon 2020
I'd been invited to participate representing The Republic of Trinidad and Tobago as the result of my standing as the
Number 1 Trinidad and Tobago Masters Marathoner for Series XII
I think running is Fun, and I want you to have Fun too. I didn't enjoy distance running when I first started, and I only stuck with it for the sense of accomplishment when I finished a race. After more than a year I started enjoying the process, and I think it should be Fun from the start.